Storytelling Academy
design for 12 cards | packaging design | typography
The Archetype game is a tool to discover the common thread in your own life story. This game can be used during courses about archetypes or as an aid for storytellers in writing their story. The game is in line with the books "Het verhaal van je leven" and "De 12 oerkarakters van storytelling" written by Mieke Bouma and is used as teaching material at the Storytelling Academy.
For this cardgame I was asked to make the illustrations and designs for the cards and the packaging. My goal was to give each archetype its own concept and energy, but also to connect it as a series in approach. Next to that it was important to visualize the archetypes without making stereotypes. The collages are made with a combination of digital and analog media.
Author: Mieke Bouma
In addition to the card game, there are also twelve unique framed art prints of the archetypes, measuring 32 x 32 cm. 
Magazine 'The optimist" published an article about the card game.
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